About the Journal

At the intersection of innovation, knowledge, and healthcare excellence, the Pakistan Medical Journal (PMJ) stands as a beacon of scholarly exploration in the field of medical and allied health research. As a publication of Rawalpindi Medical University, PMJ is dedicated to advancing scientific discourse, disseminating cutting-edge research, and fostering international collaboration in the realm of healthcare and medicine.

Our Vision

PMJ aspires to be a cornerstone in the world of medical research, distinguished by its unwavering commitment to excellence, integrity, and innovation. Our vision is rooted in the following principles:

International Scope: PMJ is not bound by geographical borders. We actively seek and welcome contributions from researchers and healthcare professionals worldwide. By doing so, we ensure that our journal maintains a global perspective, reflecting the diversity of medical practices and research.

High-Quality Research: We are resolutely dedicated to upholding the highest standards of scientific rigor and quality. Every article we publish undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that only the most reliable and impactful research reaches our readers.

Impactful Contributions: PMJ seeks to make a tangible difference in the field of medical and allied health research. We prioritize research that has the potential to influence healthcare practices, policies, and patient outcomes positively.

Diversity and Inclusivity: We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in research and authorship. We encourage submissions from researchers of all backgrounds, fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and equitable academic community.

Our Mission

Interdisciplinary Excellence: PMJ welcomes research not only from medical disciplines but also from allied health fields, creating a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

Global Network: Our editorial board comprises experts from diverse medical and allied health specialties and is connected to a global network of researchers, ensuring a wide-reaching and diverse perspective.

Open Access: PMJ believes in the principles of open access, making our research freely available to readers worldwide. This commitment promotes the dissemination of knowledge and facilitates access to cutting-edge research.

Innovation: We actively encourage innovative research methodologies and approaches, fostering creativity and advancement in medical and allied health sciences.


We invite researchers, healthcare professionals, and scholars to embark on this journey with us. We look forward to your valuable contributions and your continued support in our mission to advance medical and allied health research for the betterment of society.